The ROI should be at the annulus and not in the left atrium. Medical Systems). Proceed with the Rabbit Polyclonal to Cox2 next 2 views (AP4, AP2). Repeat the same actions as above. The ROI should be at the annulus and not in the left atrium. Abbreviations as in Video 1 and 3. mmc4.mp4 (124K) GUID:?F3185C3B-DDFB-4A41-862E-201F5CFC5D9D Supplemental Video 5 Event Timing. Timing of end systole can also be recognized using the timing of the aortic valve closure measured off the spectral Doppler of the aortic valve. mmc5.mp4 (2.4M) GUID:?1A956950-990D-4248-9048-F93FC949BBF8 Supplemental Video 6 GLS Measurement With Automated Cardiac Motion (Philips Healthcare). Tracing is usually automated. Important to assess that this automated software detection is usually correctly detecting the endocardial border and tracking the underlying myocardium. Manually change the endocardial contour to optimize tracking if necessary. Abbreviation Naspm as in Video 1. mmc6.mp4 (22M) GUID:?ADE2A264-C6E2-425E-8B6C-8F88CCD10766 Supplemental Video 7 GLS Naspm Measurement With Automated Cardiac Motion (Philips Healthcare). Proceed with the next 2 views (AP4, AP2). After the 3 views are completed, a bullseye plot is usually generated. Abbreviation as in Video 1. mmc7.mp4 (754K) GUID:?004CBAA0-DE78-409B-877C-D55802CCF5EB Supplemental Video 8 GLS Measurement With AutoStrain (Image Area, Tom Tec Imaging System). GLS measurement using a vendor-neutral system capable of processing images in the DICOM format. Abbreviation as in Video 1. mmc8.mp4 (6.7M) GUID:?50AF5E3B-45BB-4BD5-B5FD-5D242B7EC556 Supplemental Video 9 Suboptimal Tracking. Suboptimal tracking as shown in the video prospects to abnormal or suspicious strain values with nonphysiological waveform tracing that are discordant with the visual wall motion. mmc9.mp4 (2.3M) GUID:?627BEE03-A503-40D0-9C63-5082CC656B6C Supplemental Video 10 Tracking Mimicking Structures. The automated software detection tracking papillary muscle mass instead of the LV endocardial border. Abbreviation as in Video 1. mmc10.mp4 (30M) GUID:?919AF914-D740-4DDA-8290-69AC53F654AC Supplemental Video 11 Marking of the Annulus. ROI should be placed at the insertion of the mitral leaflets. ROI in the left atrium as shown in the video prospects to abnormal strain of the basal segments. Abbreviation as in Video 3. mmc11.mp4 (2.3M) GUID:?F6B291DE-1911-489B-87BA-F22A16C0808A Supplemental Video 12 ROI Placement of the LV Walls. ROI including the pericardium can lead to underestimation of GLS. Abbreviations as in Videos 1 and 3. mmc12.mp4 Naspm (13M) GUID:?01170A27-2F9D-4400-A13A-5EEB157632FD Supplemental Video 13 Incorrect Timing of End-Systole. Incorrect timing of end systole due to poor electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing can affect peak strain in some segments and lead to inaccurate GLS measurement. Abbreviation as in Video 1. mmc13.mp4 (15M) GUID:?7A703CD3-662F-401B-896C-EDA5AE1F10E4 Abstract Echocardiographic imaging is crucial for patient management during cardiotoxic malignancy therapy. Left ventricular ejection portion is the most commonly used parameter for identifying left ventricular dysfunction. However, it lacks sensitivity to detect subclinical changes in cardiac function due to cardiotoxic treatment. Global longitudinal strain (GLS) is the best studied strain parameter with established diagnostic and prognostic value. Multiple studies have demonstrated changes in GLS as an early marker of cardiotoxicity. This document serves as a primer to help clinicians in the acquisition and interpretation of strain in cardio-oncology. Cases with embedded videos illustrate a step-by-step approach to obtaining?GLS measurements and common pitfalls to avoid. The document includes a concise summary of the indications of GLS in cardio-oncology and its role in guiding oncological therapy. Practical approaches on how to implement strain in the echo laboratory with guidance on training and quality assurance are also discussed. strong class=”kwd-title” Key Words: Naspm malignancy, cardiotoxicity, echocardiography, global longitudinal strain, left ventricular function strong class=”kwd-title” Abbreviations and Acronyms: 2D, 2-dimensional; 3D,.